054 – For MM

This is a really tough one to take. You were such a beautiful soul, MM. I’m grateful that I had the chance to be your colleague and to even meet you in person. I was struck by your energy and passion for life as well as your kindness and curiosity.

The way that you were taken from us, after becoming a mamma, seems so unfair and unlikely in 2022. You were young, healthy, and vibrant and I know that there is no making sense of what happened. Now the focus must be on accepting that you are gone and doing what can be done to help your family through this darkness.

My hope is that your light will shine on. That you will watch your son grow up from a far. That your family will get through this somehow. I will try to be more like you each day as your unlikely passing is a reminder that none of us know how long we have…

Until we meet again – sleep well.