Shoes are a funny thing…
I don’t really like wearing shoes and long to live in a place where I don’t have to. Where I could own just one pair, a pair of flip flops that I could throw on if the need arose. I’ve been to those places and they are magical and blissful.
Yet in my current life, I have to wear various different types of shoes. It’s cold for many months out of the year so that involves slippers in the house (which I love) as well as snow boots. If I go to a restaurant or to a work engagement, I need fancy shoes because that is what our society demands.
The truth is that I am at a point in life where I only want to wear the flip flops. Sure, the other shoes fit but they are not comfortable (ok, the slippers are great, but you get the point). Imagine going from having a closet full of shoes to having only one pair. Most modern American women would scoff at this, but I embrace it.
By now, you’ve likely realized that this is about more than shoes. It’s about how I want to spend my time and about the work that I want to do. What I want to do might be considered by some to be a downgrade. It will likely result in less money. It will be looked at by some as a stupid decision because we are all trained to climb the career ladder and to chase money and titles.
I’m done with that…
My life is too valuable.
My time is too valuable.
I am too valuable.
Someday is here. I’m privileged but I’ve also worked hard to get here. I deserve this and I’m going to go after what I truly want in life.
More to come…