044 – Time

We think about time a lot. It controls our life in a sense – we have to be places at a certain time, we have to be conscious if someone we are contacting is in a different time zone, for some of us – it is important to always check the time.

We also use time as a way of measuring our life milestones. We tend to celebrate our adult birthdays in increments of 10. As kids, we celebrate 1, 13, and then the ever celebratory 21. At least in the US…this can be traced back to how Ronald Regan ruined America. But after that, it’s 30, 40, 50 and so on. And we constantly judge ourselves about what we should be or have done by each of these milestones…

I’m 30 so I should have a baby by now.

I’m 40 so I should be CEO of the company by now.

I’m 50, so….

It’s important to remind ourselves that this is all man made shit. We shouldn’t have to abide by any of it.

We also look at timing. We use it as an excuse to not do things. “I’d love to, but the timing is not right.”

“I want to learn that new skill; I’ll do it when I’m….”

“As soon as__________, I’ll plan that vacation.”


Just do it, because the time will never be right. Here’s some things that have been true in my life…

I took my 1st sophomore year semester off to go on an adventure. It took me 5.5 years to finish my undergraduate degree. Slowing down actually allowed me to learn and I was only happy once I allowed myself to do things my way.

I found my dream house by accident a few months before I was set to finish grad school. I was taking the most difficult class I had ever taken. The timing wasn’t right, but someone everything was figured out. I’m still in that dream house – 15 years later.

And now, as I embark on a new opportunity, I am scared shitless. I’m leaving the nest that I built a decade ago. I am learning stability, amazing benefits, and people who get me. I’m starting over and starting weeks before I am set to be on retreat for 3 weeks. They were ok with that – which is an incredible sign.

They fought for me. They helped me to see their vision. They showed me their true colors. They made me feel like I mattered.

So on the question of timing and if it is right, I can only say FUCK YES!