027 – I’m done…

leave it to South Park to sum up the shitty state of the world

I’m fucking done…

Done with being overwhelmed.

Done with living behind a screen.

Done with this pandemic.

Done with Donald Fucking Trump – likely the shittiest human being to every walk the earth.

Done with assholes who won’t wear masks in public.

Done with excess.

Done with capitalism, and yeah, I know it has been good for me.

Kind of done with America, where should I go?

Like all beings, I want to be happy. I want to be healthy. I want to be free from suffering.

I’ve got everything that I could ever want in life, but at what cost. Working 12 hours a day and still feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything.

I want to crawl into a cave and stay there. I want everyone to leave me the fuck alone.

I’m sad. I’m angry. I’m frustrated. And quite honestly, I am numb.

It’s time for a change.

But mark my words, a year from now I will be in this same seat, doing this same shit, and bitching about it.