024 – Get Naked!

This is what freedom looks like…

While the past few months of pandemic life has been rough, it seems to have forced us all to evaluate what is most important in life. The husband and I have always been big fans of vacations that blow your mind and earlier this year before the shit hit the fan, we had planned a vacation to Iceland for July. The intention was to drive around the entire country in a camper van. Everything was in place – flights, van rental, and research. And then COVID happened.

We held out until the last minute, hoping that we could still take the trip. It felt safe – we’d be in a van on our own and not in crowds. Flying there felt a little dicey but we were prepared to take precautions. The final straw was when Europe closed its border to Americans. I can’t blame them – the buffoon in chief has handled the pandemic like a whiny child who’s favorite toy has been taken away. I wouldn’t want us either.

Determined to still take a vacation, we reflected on what was most important to us. Being in nature and away from screens was the common theme. We drove north and found the most lovely and no frills campground in Vermont – The Vermont Freedom Campground. They essentially have one rule…

“We do not care if you are gay, straight or anysexual or non sexual. As long you are human and get along with others, you are welcome here.” 

Hands down this may be my favorite campground ever. Here’s why…

  • The lack of stupid rules – see above.
  • The fact that it was no frills – there were campsites with tables and fire pits and a toilet and shower – what else do you need? I don’t go camping to feel like I am at a luxury resort.
  • It was adults only – so no whiny screaming kids.
  • The bathroom and shower was co-ed, because who cares. When humans need to use the facilities, they should not be bound by gender separation – we are beyond that.
  • It was clothing optional – there is nothing more freeing than being naked outside. It doesn’t matter what you look like. It will boost your confidence. Try it.
  • The dude who owned it – super laid back, friendly, and passionate about his work.

I’m proud to be an American who loved this place. I can see how most would get uptight about the co-ed bathrooms and the nakedness. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized how uptight Americans are about nudity. I’m happy to have moved beyond that to the freedom that is offered by not having to wear clothes. I’m not a skinny bitch and my body is not perfect. That is kind of the point.