022 – Consider all Ingredients

Everything here has value…

I am really trying to eat better; to consider the value of each ingredient as it goes int my recipes. For the past 6 months or so, I have undergone nutrition response testing in an effort to promote better health. I was sick of following the advice of – you are a 40-something year old female, so you should do this, this, and this. Nutrition response testing helps you to understand what your body likes, dislikes, and precisely needs for supplements. It’s interesting stuff, and I feel a noticeable difference in my health.

Part of the equation is food. I’ve learned that pasta (which I love) and basically anything made with white flour is bad. This is probably nothing new, but for a long time I have taken pride in the fact that I love gluten. That said, the knowledge I have gained through the nutrition response testing has led me to explore the gluten-free world (though not all that strictly at the moment).

Let’s be clear, most gluten-free pasta SUCKS. But the Taste Republic fresh pasta is pretty damn good and totally worth the price. It’s not cheap by any means, but if you love pasta the way that I do, it is worth the splurge. It’s also fun to learn and understand the benefits of the simple ingredients shown above such as:

asparagus – high fiber, which means it can help with digestion and bloat

walnuts – lower cholesterol and ease inflammation

garlic – amazing; put it in everything! It can boost immunity and protect your food from bacteria that causes salmonella

and even Parmesan cheese, which can act as a probiotic.

Here’s the end result…


One f-up is that I was trying to watch a webinar while preparing dinner and I forgot to mix the cheese in before plating the pasta. So I just dumped it on top. Whatever, it was still delicious.