012 – I can’t keep up…

A card…I’m not sure I get it.

I have been going to this yoga class for the past few months which I have been really enjoying. There are actually few yoga classes that I don’t enjoy. Being a road warrior, I have to take my yoga where I can get it. And as fun as it is to check out different studios around the country, there is nothing like being at home with your own community.

This particular teacher likes to give us “cards” at the end of each session. I think they are called oracle cards. Quite honestly, I’m not sure I buy into this stuff. I find it similar to reading a horoscope…”OMG, it’s so true!” Is it really? Or do you just want it to be? So as much as I love this yoga class, I approach the card thing with a healthy dose of skepticism.

That said, the one pictured kind of struck a cord with me. Life is speeding up and I can’t keep up. Each day, I am left exhausted, depressed, and overloaded trying to make sense of it all. I ask myself if this is normal for post-40 life. I ask myself how I can possibly compete with those who are younger, who have enthusiasm.

The pace of my work is one at which I don’t feel I can be successful. I work in a culture where burnout is the norm, and totally acceptable. It’s masked by excess – events, free food, benefits, but is it all worth it? The last time I started a new job, I was 34. And quite honestly, looking back, I’d rather hire 34 year old me than the more experienced 40-something me who is bitter and jaded.

I look at photos from just 7 years ago and see people who were well who are now sick. I see myself at least 20 pounds lighter with no wrinkles and no gray hair.

Honestly, I am at a loss. I blame working ourselves into the ground. Though I suppose it could just be the normal course of life. And all I want in this moment is to just slow it down…