011 – Losing My Religion

I can’t wait to read this book…

I’m reminded of it every 9/11. Every time I see that date on my calendar, it means another year has passed since that terrible day. And even though I wasn’t personally impacted by it, meaning I didn’t lose anyone that I loved, I will never forget.

I was young…24 years old working at my first ‘real job’ out of college as a secretary for a challenging individual. I remember as the news came in, all of us in my small office being devastated, confused, and just generally not knowing how to process what was happening. I also remember being really angry when he said that we needed to get back to work.

Why would anyone do this?

I don’t claim to have the answer. It’s extraordinarily complicated. But based on what I know and what my intuition tells me, I say confidently that organized religion may have played a part.

As a child, I had Catholicism forced on me. I never really ‘got it.’ It never resonated with me, but I went along because that is what you are supposed to do. As a young adult, I’d still go to church with my parents on holidays, go through the motions, and put a few bucks in the collection basket. But then, something happened. A few months after 9/11, The Boston Globe released their Spotlight report on the Catholic Church.

I had really been questioning all of it for years based on their positions on abortion, gay marriage, and the fact that I just really got nothing out of it. But this was the final straw. This was what pushed me to say “I don’t need this.” I can have my own spirituality, my own beliefs. What a liberating feeling that was!

If anyone reads this, I realize it has the potential to piss a few people off. So let me be clear on a few things…

  • Most religions preach similar things and much of it is good – love thy neighbor, though shall not kill, charity, etc. They are all quite similar if you look at them.
  • Most religions also preach that they are superior to all others and that those who do not follow them are to be converted, or in extreme cases, punished. This is the part that is extremely damaging to our society and our world.
  • Most, but not all, religions are based on a patriarchy where women are treated as second class citizens. It’s 2019, let’s wake up.
  • Some of the happiest societies in the world are those who do not subscribe to a formal religion. Denmark, for example. It would seem that their citizens are more concerned with life on earth than some promised afterlife.

Let me be clear. If you are a churchgoer, I am not judging you. Churches are beautiful and a church can offer a great sense of community. But please, don’t be afraid to question what you hear. And as hard as it may be, if nothing else, let go of the fact that your religion is superior to others or to none at all. Learn about other religions, because there may be one out there that is better for you. Remember, it is YOUR beliefs, and you are a unique human. Go on this journey and don’t be afraid. Take it from this Buddhist-inspired Agnostic, who eats meat and celebrates Christmas.