004 – Self-Sabotage

A drink…but not what I was drinking.

Oh, St. Patrick’s Day…

You really are one of my favorite holidays. I am not Irish. I am not even of Irish decent. I just use it as an annual excuse to be a complete and total shit show.

I go in waves, I really do. I had a pretty good month up until March 17. One that was focused on health and wellness and really taking care of myself. I majorly cut down on my drinking, I was dabbling with becoming a vegetarian again, and I even began to study Ayurveda.


It would seem that once you are a shit show, you are destined to always be a shit show. Even though I try to surround myself with positivity, I always find my people. I find the fun ones, the ones that say ‘just one more drink.’

So, my St. Patrick’s day consisted of more vodka/sodas than I can count. It would have been actually nice if I could have stuck to one or two pints of Guinness, but I was going for longevity. I was going for several hours of drinking. Being over 40, I’ve found that I really cannot tolerate beer in volume. So if I want to drink like a 21 year old idiot, I’ve got to stick to vodka.

The week ahead looks like a calm one, so I am going to do my best to get back on the wagon.

Until the next shit show…