017 – Gluttony is Back


Let’s be honest…it’s been a shit week. For New Englanders, we learned that Mookie Betts has been traded to the Dodgers. But even worse for all American’s we learned that our government failed us. The criminal in chief, that orange piece of shit that I refuse to even call by his name was acquitted of his criminal activity and will be allowed to continue to invade the white house. So by the time that Friday came, I was ready for wine, an edible, and a huge plate of tot-chos covered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole. It was glorious, but of course made me feel awful about myself.

For most of my life, I never cared about politics. I was blissfully ignorant. I came into adulthood during the Clinton years and everything was good. I thought it was ridiculous that he was impeached for getting a blowjob and that was when I started to realize that Republicans are a bunch of hypocrites. But still, I really didn’t care. I had good friends and many family members who were Republicans but we really didn’t talk about it much. It didn’t consume us.

When George Bush the second was elected, I thought he was kind of an idiot and he did a lot of things that angered me, but in retrospect I wouldn’t mind having him back. Then things got good again with Obama, but look at us now. The current cheeto in chief played on a couple of things – systemic engrained racism, finding his people – the uneducated and vulnerable, and the worst of them all – the holy rollers. Match that with a lack of enthusiasm for Hillary, due to her lack of authenticity and it was a recipe for disaster.

Where we’ve landed is an Idiocracy. If you’ve never seen the movie, I’d recommend it, though be forewarned, it is so accurate it will likely depress you. If this fucking idiot manages to be re-elected to a second term, I feel like I need to seriously consider leaving this country for the sake of my health. It’s sad that he has been so polarizing that there are friends and family that I no longer talk to and that no longer talk to each other, but that is where we are. I want to love America, but I just can’t right now.